Animal Jam Founders Hat

What happened to founder hats? There has been a recent drop in rarity and how much jammers want it. I traded a purple long collar thinking it was worth much more. When I found out, I immediately got rid of it. I got my long back. So? What are they worth?

  • Apr 07, 2016  Hey jammers iceskating112 here! As you may all know the founders hat is rarer then the top hats and it only comes in yellow yellow stripes. This item is worn on the head and is mainly owned for rarity and not so much for the looks.
  • In late 2014, the Founders' Hat was seen in the eagle adventure, The Forgotten Desert. This made the Founders' Hat drop by a ton. At first, it went from 3 long black collars, to 1 long black, to 2 bad rare long collars, to 1 bad rare long collars!
  • A bad long collar (See collar rarity post)
  • A black short collar
  • Two bad short collars

Founder hats used to be worth a black long or more. I really don’t know the cause of this drop. If you have a founder unwanted, I would like to have one and add (GOOD) Â for my purple. Purple long collar have gone down a little as well. My user is palomawolf9 btw.

Founders' Hat- the most rarest hat of them all! Released right after somewhere in 2010 as a celebration of the founding of Animal Jam or the end of Beta Testing, it is most likely that the Founders' Hat will probably never be re-released. Definition Good Long: A term Jammers often use for red.