Animal Jam Tin Foil Antlers

AJHQ just announced the release of new Animal Jam trading cards and collectible storage tins. This news came out on 12/8/17 on the Daily Explorer. I will update this post as soon as more information is available.

  1. Real Tin Foil

In most arctic and temperate-zone species, antler growth and shedding is annual, and is controlled by the length of daylight. Although the antlers are regrown each year, their size varies with the age of the animal in many species, increasing annually over several years before reaching maximum size.

Animal Jam Deluxe Trading Cards

These deluxe trading cards and collectible Animal Jam tins are now available at Walmart and Target stores. I’ll add the online links as soon as the products are added to their websites.

Based on the Daily Explorer post, the collectible tins will be filled with both trinkets and Animal Jam trading cards. Best of all, there will be new codes inside that you can use in the game!

Real Tin Foil

I’m going to check Target tomorrow and see if I can get some more details.

Animal Jam Magnet Cards

This isn’t the first time AJHQ has made Animal Jam cards. In 2016 they released a series of magnet cards that come in a pack. This pack contains 3 magnet cards, a mini poster, an Animal Jam figurine, and an online game code.

Animal Jam Tin Foil Antlers

These magnet cards are still available for sale here at Walmart. These cards weren’t quite as popular because they’re just magnets, not trading cards. I think the new deluxe trading cards will be more of a hit because you can trade them with your friends!

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